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Army to defend small businesses against hackers with NCODE secure cloud enclave pilot
Press Jeremy Constantineau Press Jeremy Constantineau

Army to defend small businesses against hackers with NCODE secure cloud enclave pilot

"Contractors’ internal networks must achieve Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC), which was recently revised and strengthened, while government offices that want to buy commercial software must get an official Authority To Operate (ATO) before they can install it on DoD networks. These CMMC and ATO processes are especially burdensome for smaller firms, which might be more likely to come up with precisely the kind of innovations, especially in software, that adversaries are most eager to steal."

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Scale of Chinese Spying Overwhelms Western Governments
Press Jeremy Constantineau Press Jeremy Constantineau

Scale of Chinese Spying Overwhelms Western Governments

"China-backed hackers outnumber all of the FBI’s cyber personnel at least 50 to 1, according to the U.S. agency. One European agency estimates China’s intelligence-gathering and security operations might comprise up to 600,000 people. China’s hacking program is larger than that of every other major nation, combined.”

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Wars are won with code, says German military AI maker
Press Jeremy Constantineau Press Jeremy Constantineau

Wars are won with code, says German military AI maker

“Why do we need to always hide behind dual use?” asked Scherf, referring to a European Investment Bank’s policy of only investing in technology that has both civilian and military use. Either we believe in our democratic armed forces and we support them with the best technology ... or we have to have a different debate.”

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An Ethical Mine Field? On Counter-Mobility and Weapon Autonomy
Press Jeremy Constantineau Press Jeremy Constantineau

An Ethical Mine Field? On Counter-Mobility and Weapon Autonomy

"Proper international regulation remains highly desirable for weapon autonomy... [but] the diplomatic debate has largely remained an exchange of quite abstract views and sweeping declarations on international humanitarian law, ethics, and security in general. But progress in technology has made these discussions much less hypothetical than they used to be in the beginning."

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America Needs Better Bombs
Press Jeremy Constantineau Press Jeremy Constantineau

America Needs Better Bombs

Hear me out... "Why do 21st-century missiles rely on explosives from the 1940s and ’50s?" It would be nice if we didn't need bombs, but since it seems we do, let's have the best.

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It’s time for Canada to get serious about economic security
Press Jeremy Constantineau Press Jeremy Constantineau

It’s time for Canada to get serious about economic security

"Policy-makers should build a more supportive and non-partisan environment in Canada for defence and security. If Canadians are reluctant to hit NATO spending targets or impose trade restrictions on China, it is in large part because our political leaders have not explained to them why it is necessary. Canada has let its military capacity atrophy. But the supply chain has also been hampered. Some of our financial institutions actively put up barriers to companies in the sector, for example by restricting investment or services to firms creating weapons, weapons delivery systems or components thereof. We are a G7 nation and NATO member that often sees defence contractors as bad actors deserving to be marginalised."

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Former Canadian politician suspected of working for foreign government: CSIS
Press Jeremy Constantineau Press Jeremy Constantineau

Former Canadian politician suspected of working for foreign government: CSIS

Welp. Reset the clock! "A former Canadian politician is suspected of trying to influence Parliament’s work on behalf of a foreign government." The country currently presenting the greatest geo-strategic threat to the rules-based order is the same one actively influencing our politics. Canadian citizens deserve better, but must also demand better!

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Thinking the 'unthinkable': NATO wants Canada and allies to gear up for a conventional war
Press Jeremy Constantineau Press Jeremy Constantineau

Thinking the 'unthinkable': NATO wants Canada and allies to gear up for a conventional war

It makes sense that a country that buries its head in the sand is the same country that views defence as an expense rather than an investment. At the risk of repeating ourselves, we believe that investing in defence yields dividends far beyond much-needed capabilities, such as better people, processes, IP, knowledge, and interoperability.

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