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Western investors ‘stupid’ to shun arms industry, says Nato official
Press Jeremy Constantineau Press Jeremy Constantineau

Western investors ‘stupid’ to shun arms industry, says Nato official

"'Why are you not convinced by trillions of dollars? What has happened to your business instinct? Are you stupid? And that’s what I say to pension funds as well. Are you stupid? ... If you are looking at return on investment . . . there’s so much money to be spent over the next 20 years.'"

As Admiral Bauer rightly points out, "[t]he lack of strategic thinking is sometimes astonishing ...  For a large number of business people, [the security threat] is still a sort of far away thing. But it’s not.'"

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Only entrepreneurs can get Canada out of its economic funk
Press Jeremy Constantineau Press Jeremy Constantineau

Only entrepreneurs can get Canada out of its economic funk

"To keep up with America’s economic growth, and get Canadians out of their funk, we must show more confidence in our entrepreneurs and researchers."

Harley Finkelstein, Shopify President, and LP in Special Mission Fund I, has been advocating for this since day 1.

To wit, "[o]ver the 10-year period ending in 2023, U.S.-based entrepreneurs raised an average of $156 billion (U.S.) a year from venture capital funds and institutional investors. A great year in Canada would see $7 billion (Can) of similar investments. America has about eight times our population but invests at least 22 times the capital in its startups (ignoring exchange rates). Every year."

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How Chinese Hackers Graduated From Clumsy Corporate Thieves to Military Weapons
Press Jeremy Constantineau Press Jeremy Constantineau

How Chinese Hackers Graduated From Clumsy Corporate Thieves to Military Weapons

"The message from President Biden’s national security adviser [in fall 2023] was startling. Chinese hackers had gained the ability to shut down dozens of U.S. ports, power grids and other infrastructure targets at will."

But it was even worse - they were already into the telecoms.

"Some national security officials involved in the investigation said they believe the telecom hack is so severe, and the networks so compromised, that the U.S. may never be able to say with certainty that the Chinese hackers have been fully rooted out."

The threats are serious. What about our responses?

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Dual-Use is a Strategy, Not a Category (Nor A Trap)
Press Jeremy Constantineau Press Jeremy Constantineau

Dual-Use is a Strategy, Not a Category (Nor A Trap)

"The technologies that can serve both military and civilian purposes are so wide that as a category, dual-use has a diminishing meaning. In reality, early stage founders build a capability and, as good entrepreneurs, consider the best market fit across commercial and military markets as necessary and with a clear focus. In other words, dual-use is a market strategy that might be deployed defense-first, commercial-first, or both (when economically effective due to scale constraints in some niche defense markets)."

Capability > Technology.

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The next defense reform must fully bring the US tech sector on board
Press Jeremy Constantineau Press Jeremy Constantineau

The next defense reform must fully bring the US tech sector on board

"[W]e have an ecosystem without a marketplace. The Department of Defense won’t buy commercial capability at scale from Silicon Valley. The result is fighting with one arm behind our back."

We sincerely hope Western governments don't waste the free R&D dollars the private sector has been pouring in since 2021. Time to become a better customer!

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The Crumbling Foundation of America’s Military
Press Jeremy Constantineau Press Jeremy Constantineau

The Crumbling Foundation of America’s Military

Read it and try not to weep. America, and the West, have yet to fully digest the Last Supper.

The West is not currently capable of replicating its industrial success of WWII. In a world where small and cheap beats big and expensive, and to "counter the effects of the Last Supper, it means emphasizing shorter-term contracts with a more numerous variety of smaller companies, thereby encouraging both competition and innovation."

It also means fully leveraging private capital to take the necessary bets on these new "small and cheap' entrants, who are the wellspring of innovation.

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The Tech Investment Playbook for Victory
Press Jeremy Constantineau Press Jeremy Constantineau

The Tech Investment Playbook for Victory

Glenn Cowan, ONE9 founder, general partner, and Operator-in-Chief, has been spreading this message for more than five years: "Venture capital investing in dual-use tech isn’t new, but its value proposition varies. Most venture capital firms claiming defense tech expertise only provide financial backing, while just a select few truly drive strategic value for both startups and the Department of Defense."

"[V]enture firms ought to make both strategic hires and hyper-focused military specification hires to add value to their portfolio. These hires are individuals with deep Department of Defense experience who understand mission needs, know the acquisition process, have the connections to champion the technology and ultimately have served on the ground downrange and have encountered first-hand the problems to address — also known as 'Operators.'”

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NATO chief says ‘to prevent war, NATO must spend more’
Press Jeremy Constantineau Press Jeremy Constantineau

NATO chief says ‘to prevent war, NATO must spend more’

"Tell your banks and pension funds it is simply unacceptable that they refuse to invest in the defence industry. Defence is not in the same category as illicit drugs and [other vices]. Investing in defence is an investment in our security. It’s a must!”

What say you, EDC and BDC?

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The Pentagon must build weapons differently to mobilize for the information age
Press Jeremy Constantineau Press Jeremy Constantineau

The Pentagon must build weapons differently to mobilize for the information age

"Like Freedom’s Forge during World War II, US mobilization in the 21st century should rely on fundamental American economic strengths like technological innovation, product adaptability, and market-driven solutions. The Pentagon can field a new generation of weapons that leverage these attributes. The question is whether requirements officials and program managers can start behaving like titans of industry rather than art connoisseurs before it is too late."

Modular. Digital. Adaptable. Decentralized.

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If Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre actually want to fix our military, they know what to do
Press Jeremy Constantineau Press Jeremy Constantineau

If Justin Trudeau and Pierre Poilievre actually want to fix our military, they know what to do

"[T]he prime minister should consider ... splitting military funding from other budgetary items. Geopolitics has become more unstable at a time when the Canadian Forces are struggling because of decades of underinvestment. The Liberals deserve full credit for announcing billions for new equipment, but they likely won’t be in power when the follow through on these investments is necessary."

"[F]inding consensus in Parliament would place pressure on any incoming government to uphold the promises already made in the Commons.'

As we're known to say, defence MUST be non-partisan, and even though this might not be the best political move, it would certainly be best for public policy, and Canadians.

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China’s space moves: Highly mobile satellites stalking GEO spook Space Force
Press Jeremy Constantineau Press Jeremy Constantineau

China’s space moves: Highly mobile satellites stalking GEO spook Space Force

“China doesn’t sit still. They’re all over the sky. Why are they doing this? It’s because they’re coming for you. In their strategy documents, they will tell you, whoever controls space controls the Earth.”

Space Domain Awareness gives allies a common operating picture and decision space. And you can't do this without high-fidelity data and insights, of which ONE9 portfolio company, Slingshot Aerospace, is a world leader.

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Anduril self-funds robot submarine testing to court US customers
Press Jeremy Constantineau Press Jeremy Constantineau

Anduril self-funds robot submarine testing to court US customers

"I think that people are starting to realize that these technologies are available and I think that what we have been able to do with the Australian navy has begun to make believers ... [and the] the Navy will likely need a mix of capabilities to meet the threat."

Anduril has built it, and they look to be coming.

Leave it to startups to be forward looking and deliver new capabilities. It's now for the allied militaries to be forward looking in how they rapidly adopt these capabilities.

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